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We extend our heartfelt condolences to the
families of those who lost their loved ones, 
pray for the safe and speedy return of all hostages, 
and beseech almighty God, Guardian of Israel,
to protect our brave IDF soldiers.
!עם ישראל חי




Great Disputes in

Jewish History

Rabbi Mayer Schiller

The Mystery of

Jewish History

Rabbi Pinchas Winston

Life & Legacy

Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook

Rabbi Avi Shvat


10 Lost Tribes of Israel

History & Mystery

Rabbi Michael Freund

Amazing Stories of 

Ordinary Greatness

Yonoson Rosenblum

Dreyfus Affair - The Scandal

        That Shook France

Professor Maurice Samuels

Reclaiming Redemption

Maze of Jewish History

Rabbi Moshe Taragin

Why Does Antisemitism

Follow Emancipation

Rabbi Menachem Levin

What You Don't Know

About Noachides

Rabbi Rafi Mollot

Gaza & Game Theory

Professor Robert Aumann

Nobel Prize Winner

Connecting with the Pain

of the Jewish People

Rabbi Yitzchok Eisenman

From Silence to Spotlight

Investigating anti-Semitism

Professor Shai Davidai

Israel & American Jewry - David Frum - Former Speechwriter President George H. Bush

USA anti-Semitism 2023

Fear & Betrayal

Professor Jonathan Sarna

Exploring a Harvard Boycott & Challenges of DEI - Richard Joel, President Emeritus, Yeshiva University

Embracing Change: Moving Out of our Comfort Zone in these Biblical Like Times - Rabbi Yaakov Trump

October 7, 2023 - Spiritual Turning Point in Jewish History - Rabbi Shmuel Reichman

India: Standing with Israel - Vijeta Uniyal - Founder, Indians for Israel


The "Dean" of Jewish History, Rabbi

Berel Wein, uncovers the principles

for Understanding Jewish History

The incomparable, Rabbi YY

Jacobson, unravels the fascinating

History of the Hasidic Movement

Join Rabbi Pinchas Landis in a 9 segment interview on the

History of Zionism

NY Times best selling "People

Love Dead Jews" with author

Dara Horn

An intimate look at the encounters between two great Torah leaders of the 20th Century with Rabbi Rakeffet

Acclaimed historian Professor Gil Troy presents the lineup of Presidential Zionists


We extend our heartfelt condolences to the
families of those who lost their loved ones, 
pray for the safe and speedy return of all hostages, 
and beseech almighty God, Guardian of Israel,
to protect our brave IDF soldiers.
!עם ישראל חי

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