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ADL & History of American anti-Semitism 

Kenneth Jacobson - Deputy National Director, ADL - Anti Defamation League 


BA in history, Yeshiva University  

MA in history, Columbia University 

Honorary Doctorate, Yeshiva University 

Longest serving ADL professional 

Served in many roles, including leading the International Affairs, Civil Rights, Marketing and Communications, and Education divisions 

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Anchor 1

Episode #1

American Anti-Semitism – Kenneth Jacobson – Introduction

Episode #2

ADL Anti Defamation League When & Why?

Episode #3

ADL – What is the Historic Mandate?

Episode #4

How did the ADL Combat Henry Ford & KKK?

Episode #5

How did ADL work with the FBL Against American Nazism?

Episode #6

1950’s - ADL Combats McCarthyism?

Episode #7

How Did the ADL Promote the Civil Rights Movement?

Episode #8

What is the ADL stance towards State of Israel?

Episode #9

Anti Defamation League – Successes / Failures?

Episode #10

What is the Impact of Social Media on anti Semitism?

Episode #11

Why does anti Semitism still Exist?

Episode #12

Anti Defamation League – What’s Next?

Full Interview - Kenneth Jacobson

Anchor 2
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