Professor Steven Gimbel - Albert Einstein
Previous Chair of the Philosophy Department
Gettysburg College
Noted speaker and author
Focuses primarily on issues in the philosophy of science
Selected Works
Isn’t That Clever: A Philosophy of Humor and Comedy
Einstein’s Jewish Science: Physics at the Intersection of Politics and Religion
Einstein: His Space and Times

Episode #1
Q: Albert Einstein – Professor Steven Gimbel - Introduction:
Enjoyed science documentaries as a kid
Studies physics and philosophy at university
Dissertation on interpretations of the General Theory of Relativity
Studies metaphysics of Einstein
Einstein’s work as “Jewish Science” comparable to Talmudic methodology
Episode #2
Q: Einstein: What were the early influences?
Raised in Southern Germany, secular, anti-religious Jewish home
Received Jewish studies from a religious uncle
At age 9 becomes observant, religious, sings psalms to God
At age 10 religion goes away, replaced by science
Story of compass – invisible forces of nature at play
Influenced by medical student Max Talmud
Enamored with Euclidian Geometry based on proofs
Episode #3
Q: Was Einstein a Good Student?
Myth: Einstein was a bad student
Always thought he knew better
Hated the German schools
Did not finish his high school in Germany
Zurich Engineering University
Episode #4
Q: What is the Theory of Relatively?
Theory of Relativity
Covariant – relative to your perspective
Invariant – doesn’t vary with perspective
Newton- space, time & mass all invariant
Einstein & Relativity: They are NOT!
New way to look at reality & universe
Episode #5
Q: Was Einstein’s Science, Jewish?
Einstein’s theory was revolutionary
Upset many scientists
They called his work, derogatorily, “Jewish Science”
Is there any truth in that?
Similar to Talmudic Reasoning!
Different seemingly contradictory perspectives resolved by higher understanding
Episode #6
Q: Was Einstein Religious?
Newton studied Solomon’s Temple, Maimonides
Einstein was not like Newton
Cosmic Religion
Universe “governed” by natural laws
Jew of Mosaic Persuasion
Greater affinity to Jewish friends
Episode #7
Q: Was Einstein Political?
Used his platform as the most famous scientist
Anti-Nationalist, Anti-Military
Wrote “Why Socialism?”
Proponent of human equality
Advocate for the vulnerable people
Episode #8
Q: Was Einstein a Pacifist?
Fundamentally a pacifist
Against Belgium pacifists as Hitler to invade
Fearful Germany would develop Nuclear weapons
Signed letter to Roosevelt
Led to Manhattan Project
Abhorred by atomic bombing of Japan
Would “burn my fingers”
Episode #9
Q: Was Einstein a Zionist?
Hot & Cold
His Own Version of Zionism
Thought Nationalism was bad
Save Haven for Jews – Important
Enamored with idea of Jewish University
Hebrew University
Collective wisdom of the Jewish people
Not a traditional Zionist
Episode #10
Q: How did Einstein view himself?
Newton sees himself as historic like Adam, Moses…
Einstein had the common touch
Famous, sense of humor
Used his fame as a platform for his views
Not a political leader
Understood his theories changed the world