Candace Fleming – Charles Lindbergh
Candace Fleming – The Rise and Fall of Charles Lindbergh
Prolific, award winning author whose works include:
Amelia Lost: The Life and Disappearance of Amelia Earhart
Ben Franklin’s Almanac: Being a True Account of the Good Gentleman’s Life
Family Romanov: Murder, Rebellion, and the Fall of Imperial Russia
Fatal Throne: The Wives of Henry VIII
Our Eleanor: a Scrapbook Look at Eleanor Roosevelt’s Remarkable Life

Episode #1
Q: Candance Fleming - Charles Lindbergh - INTRO
Wrote books for young people
Masters in American History
Started with Lindbergh kidnaping
Research led to full biography on Lindbergh
Episode #2
Q: What were Lindbergh’s early influences?
As a child was constantly told the story of his grandfather
Grandfather Lindbergh came to Minnesota from Sweden
He lost his left arm in a mill accident
Everyone thought he would die
He survived, buried his arm & went back to farming
Episode #3
Q: What was Lindbergh's personality?
Personality stayed constant over the years
Loved machines more than people
Emotionally cold
Very exacting
No long-term friendships
Episode #4
Q: Why was Lindbergh's solo flight so historic?
The solo flight was huge
People were searching
Lindbergh was the underdog, out of nowhere, hero
Showcased American excellence
International response, bringing the world together as one
Episode #5
Q: Did Lindbergh influence US Aviation Industry?
Hugely influential
Brought instant attention to aviation
Showed a new way to travel and move things
Toured the country to demonstrate that air travel was safe
Involved in new airlines including Pan Am
Episode #6
Q: What is the Lindbergh Law?
Lindbergh baby kidnapping Summer 1932
US Congress passed law
Kidnapping now a federal offense – across state lines
New section in Department of Justice
Snatch racket was prevalent during depression
Episode #7
Q: How did the kidnaping impact Charles & Anne Lindbergh?
Deeply affected them
Charles blamed the media
Soured on USA & democracy
Charles remained silent on matter
Anne was devastated & it created a wedge in the marriage
Episode #8
Q: Was Lindbergh A Nazi sympathizer?
Visited Germany a number of times
Impressed by Hitler
Lindbergh was a fascist
Wanted to move to Berlin
Even after war remained entrenched in fascist beliefs
Anne Lindbergh write Wave of Future
Advocate an American brand of fascism
Episode #9
Q: Was Lindbergh a racist?
Views were similar to those of Nazi Germany
Advocated eugenics even after World War II
Believed in supremacy of white Christians
Picked a wife based on specific traits / lineage
OK with war against Japan but not with white Germany
Episode #10
Q: What was Lindbergh's relationship with Henry Ford?
Not close friends
Lindbergh on tour took Ford for a plane ride
During WW2, army & aviation sector rejected Lindbergh
Henry Ford hired Lindbergh for factory plane production
Worked together on America First
Episode #11
Q: What was Lindbergh's 1941 Des Moines Iowa speech?
September 1941 speech for America Frist
Realized public opinion shifting away from isolationism
Called Jews the “others”
Blamed Jews for pushing war
Claimed war would spark widespread anti-Semitism
Strong, negative reaction across the board
Episode #12
Q: Did Lindbergh ever apologize for his anti-Semitic, pro Nazi, opinions?
Do not see any retraction or apology
Attempt to clean up his record
Blamed science & technology
Strong anti-United Nations speeches
Episode #13
Q: Why study Lindbergh's life?
Cautionary tale for all of us
Echoes of past found in 21st century
Important for young people, even if it’s ugly
Memory, history, resonates today