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Golden Age of Jewish History –

Rabbi Ken Spiro  


Senior Lecturer, Educator and Researcher, Aish HaTorah, Jerusalem.  

Licensed tour guide, Israel Ministry of Tourism. 

Rabbinic Ordination, Yeshiva Aish HaTorah, Jerusalem. 


Acclaimed Jewish History Author: 

World Perfect – The Jewish Impact on Civilization  

Crash Course in Jewish History  

Why a Tiny Nation Plays such a Huge Role in History


Episode #1

Golden Age of Jewish History – Rabbi Ken Spiro – Introduction 


Episode #2

Golden Age of Jewish History– What Made it Golden?

Episode #3

Golden Age of Jewish History – Jewish Intellectual Features?

Episode #4

Golden Age of Jewish History – Famous Jewish Personalities?

Episode #5

Golden Age of Jewish History – Was It A Myth? 

Episode #6

Jews in Christian Europe - Middle Ages

Episode #7

Blood Libels – Christian or Muslim?

Episode #8

Islamic Emancipation?

Episode #9

Conversions? Islam? Christianity?

Episode #10

Spiritual Jewish DNA / Assimilation

Episode #11

Golden Age of Jewish History : A Paradigm for Today? 


Full Interview - Rabbi Ken Spiro

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