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For the Freedom of Zion

The Great Revolt of Jews Against Romans, 66-74 CE

Professor Guy Rogers


B.A., Magna cum Laude, Classics and Political Science, University of Pennsylvania

B.A., first-class honors, Ancient History, University College London

Ph.D., Classic, Princeton University


Chairman, History Department, Wellesley College, 1997-2001, 2012

Recipient, grants and awards, including, National Endowment for the Humanities, Fulbright Fellowship Program, American Philosophical Society


Selected works:


  • The Sacred Identity of Ephesos: Foundation Myths of a Roman City

  • Alexander: The Ambiguity of Greatness 

  • Roots of the Western Tradition: A Short History of the Ancient World

  • Rome, The Greek World, and the East


Episode #1

The Great Jewish Revolt – Professor Guy Maclean Rogers – Introduction

Episode #2

Jewish Revolt versus Other Revolts?

Episode #3

Jewish Revolt 66CE – Who Were the Sectarian Groups?

Episode #4

Jewish Revolt 66CE – Wrong Military Strategy? 

Episode #5

Jewish Revolt 66CE – Did Rome Miscalculate?

Episode #6

 Jewish Revolt 66CE Sources– Only Josephus?

Episode #7

 Jewish Revolt 66CE – Rome Celebrates Its Triumph!

Episode #8

Jewish Revolt 66CE – Judaism Lives On!


Full Interview - Professor Guy Rogers

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