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The Formation of the Talmud -

Rabbi Dr. Ari Bergmann


Open Access: 

The Formation of the Talmud 

Scholarship and Politics in Yitzhak Isaac Halevy’s Dorot Harishonim 


Masters and PhD., Columbia University 

Doctoral thesis, Halevy, Halivni and the Oral  Formation of the  Babylonian Talmud 


Lecturer, numerous prestigious institutions including: University of Pennsylvania, Columbia University, Yeshiva University 


Former visiting researcher, Harvard Law School 


Certified Public Accountant  

CEO & founder, Penso Advisors


Episode #1

The Formation of the Talmud – Rabbi Dr. Ari Bergmann – Introduction

Episode #2

The Formation of the Talmud – What’s The Issue? 

Episode #3

The Formation of the Talmud – Seder Tannaim ve-Amoraim

Episode #4

The Formation of the Talmud – Epistle of Rav Sherira Gaon 

Episode #5

The Formation of the Talmud – Maimonides/Rambam

Episode #6

The Formation of the Talmud – Yitzhak Isaac Halevy

Episode #7

The Formation of the Talmud – Halevy’s Thesis 

Episode #8

The Formation of the Talmud – David Weiss Halivni

Episode #9

David Weiss Halivni – Oral Law / Mishna

Episode #10

The Formation of the Talmud – Synthesis

Episode #11

The Formation of the Talmud – Future Research

Episode #12

The Formation of the Talmud – Yeshiva World


Full Interview - Rabbi Dr. Ari Bergmann 

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