Dr. Helen Rappaport- Queen Victoria
Dr Helen Rappaport is a Sunday Times and New York Times bestselling author and award winning historian specialising in the period 1837–1918 in late Imperial and revolutionary Russia and Victorian Britain. She has written 14 books.
Selected works
Queen Victoria, The Heart and Mind of a Young Queen
The Victoria Letters
Joseph Stalin
Women Social Reformers
The Romanovs

Episode #1
Q: Helen Rappaport – Queen Victoria – Intro
Passionate about Victorian period as a child
Admired the Queen
Became a professional writer
Also write about the Romanovs
Episode #2
Q: Why was Queen Victoria such a compelling historical figure?
Became Queen after 5 kings
Pretty, young, 19, untainted
Refreshing change
A clean slate
Episode #3
Q: What was the monarchy like under Victoria?
Early years – overreach, mistakes
Prime Minster Melbourne taught her how to be a queen
Husband Albert was a dominant influence
After Albert’s death: transcendent, wonderful, matriarchal figure
Episode #4
Q: Was Queen Victoria trained for her political role as Queen?
She learned on the job
Her uncle Leopold, King of Belgium, guided her
Albert then edged everyone else out
Episode #5
Q: Did Queen Victoria share power with Prime Ministers?
Melbourne met with her daily for 3-4 years
Revolutions across Europe in 1840s were of grave concern
Her mournful retreat threatened the monarchy
Disraeli coaxed her out of isolation & saved her
Episode #6
Q: What were Queen Victoria's main accomplishments?
Longevity, consistency, sense of security
Britain a center, world power
Enormous, expansive empire
Episode #7
Q: Was Victoria a bigot or racist?
Aristocracy was anti- Semitic, anti-Catholic
Victoria was not typical of that bigotry
She did not judge people by their color or creed
Victoria knighted Moses Montefiore
Victoria promoted Nethaniel Rothschild
Episode #8
Q: Was Victoria religious?
Not a rampant Christian
Believer, G-d fearing
Liked simplicity in religion
Faith was a Presbyterian Scottish one
Episode #9
Q: Did Victoria write?
Journal is 100 volumes
One of most important primary 19th century sources
Astonishing work of a mother, woman & queen
However, heavily redacted after her death